
Nürburgring (8-12 April 2004)
Walking Weekend


Trip 1 (Easter 2002)
Trip 2 (May 2002)
2002 24H (June)
Trip 3 (June 2002)
Trip 4 (July 2002)
Trip 5 (August 2002)
Trip 6 (August 2002)
Trip 7 (September 2002)
Trip 8 (September 2002)
Trip 9 (September 2002)
Trip 10 (November 2002)
Trip 11 (March 2003)
Trip 12 (April 2003)
Trip 13 (Easter 2003)
Trip 14 (May 2003)
Trip 15 (May 2003)
Trip 16 (June 2003)
Trip 17 (July 2003)
Trip 18 (August 2003)
Trip 19 (August 2003)
Trip 20 (September 2003)
Trip 21 (November 2003)
Trip 22 (November 2003)
Trip 23 (November 2003)
Trip 24 (February 2004)
Trip 25 (March 2004)
Trip 26 (April 2004)
Trip 27 (April 2004)
Trip 28 (May 2004)
Trip 29 (May 2004)
Trip 31 (July/August 2004)
Trip 32 (August 2004)
Trip 33 (September 2004)
Trip 34 (October 2004)
Trip 35 (October 2004)
Trip 36 (October 2004)
Trip 37 (November 2004)
Trip 38 (November 2004)
Trip 39 (November 2004)
Trip 40 (March 2005)
Trip 41 (April 2005)
Trip 42 (April 2005)
Trip 43 (April 2005)
Trip 44 (May 2005)
Trip 45 (June 2005)
Trip 46 (July 2005)
Trip 47 (August 2005)
Trip 48 (August 2005)
Trip 49 (August 2005)
Trip 50 (August 2005)
Trip 51 (September 2005)
Trip 52 (October 2005)
Trip 53 (March 2006)
Trip 54 (April 2006)
Trip 55 (Easter 2006)
Trip 56 (April 2006)
Trip 57 (May 2006)
Trip 58 (June 2006)
Trip 59 (July 2006)
Trip 60 (August 2006)
Trip 61 (April 2007)
Trip 62 (April 2007)
Trip 63 (June 2007)
Trip 64 (August 2007)
Trip 65 (September 2007)
Trip 66 (November 2007)
Trip 67 (May 2008)
Trip 68 (May 2008)
Trip 69 (June 2008)
Trip 70 (July 2008)
Trip 71 (September 2008)

The RingBunny
Who's the RingBunny?
Full laps
Bits and pieces
Guest producers
RingBunny R-rated *

Ecurie Europe
First pics

Sabine Schmitz
Guest commentator at 24H
Video: 24H-rennen lap
Meets Jeremy Clarkson
Video: Inside the Ring Taxi

Odd bits
The Ring in print
Preparing for the first laps
24h 2006 torrent
Søren having fun with his M3
Ringers quiz 2002
Make a donation
Site stats *

Jørund Seim
Video: Lap of Legends
Video: Hire van

Links marked with a * require a password.


The weather forecast didn't look too good when I packed my things:
  • Bag full of gadgets and DVD's
  • Bag full of camera gear
  • Helmet & driving gloves
  • Key to the C-Car, even though I didn't expect to do laps in it
  • Bag full of clothes
Fully expecting to encounter some long snowy indoors afternoons I brought a slightly larger selection of gadgets and DVD's:
  • Minidisc player and discs for aural entertainment
  • Palm Tungsten T2 with some ebooks for reading and making trip report notes
  • Folding keyboard for the Palm
  • Digital Ixus for taking casual pics
  • Laptop for downloading digital pics
  • USB-powered flexible light to type more comfortably in the dark
  • Bluetooth adapter to make the Palm talk to the laptop
  • Bluetooth-enabled phone
  • Second phone (with a different SIM-card) to keep in touch with the management
  • PMR to talk to Matt ... Over!
  • GPS receiver
  • Alzen Turbo DVD, Ringers DVD (thanks Tor Eide!) and some assorted DVD's with SquealMobile and 964 laps (thanks Joel!)

It was not only the weather forecast that was bad; the weather itself wasn't looking too good either when I had to go outside to pack the car. The SquealMobile was covered in hail. Fortunately this was to be a 964-weekend.

Hail on the SquealMobile

The weather kept improving on my way towards the Ring, which I interpreted as a good sign. The drive over went smoothly, until hitting a traffic jam on the A-61.

Traffic jam, but good weather

Shortly afterwards the weather started to deteriorate, with rain pouring down in serious quantities.

On the move again, but in the wet

The shitty weather had me a bit worried, but once off the Autobahn and on the back roads near the Nordschleife, the sun started shining again.

Weather improving

At the Ring some cars were being put through their paces: some Peugeot 407's and some Mini's. One of the guys working on them was Keith.

Peugeot 407 Mini

A walk round the parking lot showed the usual collection of impressive vehicles, including a 325i (with the Charles-upgrade: it had an M3 engine...), 996C4 with a GT3 bodykit (or the other way around), and of course a very sweet 964. It might have been the weather (cold and damp), but the parking lot wasn't very busy yet.

325i with M3 engine 996C4 with GT3 bodykit Porsche 964 Porsche 964

After meeting Søren and Jeppe I dropped off my bags at the Pension. The RingBunny was along for the ride and grabbed the chance to relax a little. Planning ahead I put a can of Coke in the fridge.

RingBunny having a little nap Personal fridge

Back at the track I spotted an interesting nut. More of them, really, but we'll start with a single nut. One of those jobs that help you change wheels faster.

Single lock wheelnut... or not?

Espen had brought something infinitely more useful than a fake center-lock wheelnut: a very nice digital camera with a monster lense attached to it. Naturally Jeppe was a bit envious, having just bought a digital SLR himself. The Compact Flash card in the camera was quite impressive too.

Jeppe drooling over Espen's SLR 2GB CF-card

Having faced a drooling Jeppe I figured I was ready to tackle a wet track. This being the first lap of the year in the 964 I took it nice and easy. Most sections provided reasonable grip. Ex Mühle was quite slippery though. I had just let a Golf past and started following him up the hill. He went through Lauda Links at a fair clip, with me some ways behind him at a similar pace. As it turns out the bend was slippery enough for the back of the 964 to step out. Fortunately it happened a good ways after the turn-in, so a single counter-steering movement of the wheel was enough to send me on my way to Bergwerk in the generally approved fashion: with the rear wheels following the fronts.

Backing off the pace even more I made my way round to Pflanzgarten. By that time a pair of industry pool Peugeot 407's came up in my rearview mirror, and I moved over to the right at Pflanzgarten 3. This restored order in the 1-lap universe, as this time the back stepped out in the other direction. Again I caught the little slide with a single correction, enabling the 407's to go past without slowing down much. It's nice to see that some reflexes die hard, and that the money spent on anti-skid courses and Porsche training days paid off. Let's just hope this isn't a jinx for when the back steps out next time.

The track conditions made for some interesting conversations with other Ringers back in the car park. Tor Helge had been out for a lap in the back seat of an Audi RS6. Down Fuchsröhre they had put some wheels in the grass, but they managed to avoid going off altogether. That same RS6 was later spotted parking near the Zur Burg with steaming brakes making cracking noises.

Still-hot RS6-brakes

The parking lot at the Zur Burg contained quite a bit of plastic. A mate of Jeppe had bought a similar collection of plastic recently. May these pictures be an inspiration for him.

Swiss Toyota Celica Swiss Toyota Celica

My Danish buddies were dying to get some Grillhaxe. Dinner therefore was at the Lindenhof. On our way there we saw a nice sunset, but ignored most of it in favour of the Grillhaxe. Ordering it was quite funny: the waitress brought a stack of menus and walked away despite a chorus of "We want Grillhaxe". Just to be different I ordered a Zigeuner Schnitzel.

Sunset in Nürburg Grillhaxe 1 minute after serving

When most of our food had gone Matt, proud new owner of 1/7th part of the C-Car, showed up. It goes without saying that we heartily recommended the Grillhaxe to him. This time I was a bit faster on the shutter, allowing me to take a picture of a still-intact Grillhaxe.

Matt getting ready to attack his Grillhaxe

It didn't take Matt much time to clean his plate, leaving only some bones and other inedible stuff.

Matt is done with his Grillhaxe

The night-time entertainment consisted of the neighbour across the road from the guesthouse having a little disco-party. It could have been entertaining, except that he only had one CD. Either that, or all his CD's have the same bass-rythm. He managed to keep it going until the early hours, making for a somewhat restless night.

On to Friday